Six Unique Stitch Marker Sets to Add to Your Collection

Six Unique Stitch Marker Sets to Add to Your Collection

Six Unique Stitch Markers for Knitters


Confession:  up until recently, I wasn't a fancy stitch marker sort of lady.  I used to use those brightly colored plastic ones that come in bags of several hundred?  Totally nothing wrong with those, but I discovered that I find it much more satisfying to use stitch markers that reflect my personal style and the work I'm putting into my knitting.  Anyone else in the same boat?

So, for all you knitters out there that want to kick your stitch marker game up a notch, here's are a few sets that might strike your fancy.


stitch markers for knitting

Hammered Fiddlehead Stitch Markers by Wolf & Faun Knits
I love the rustic quality of these markers!


Bronze Demi-Sec Stitch Markers by Porterness Studio
Jewelry for your knitting!


Kitten Stitch Markers by Firefly Notes
A purr-fect addition to your collection.


Mod Stitch Marker Necklace by La Bien Aimee
This necklace is cooler than I'll ever be.


Honeybee Stitch Markers by adKnits
Bee-utify your knitting.


Hammered Copper Stitch Marker by Spindle Cat Studio
Gorgeous rustic metal and craftsmanship!

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